
Shari Weiss

Shari is a licensed psychologist in New York who has extensive experience providing psychotherapy and conducted psychological evaluations in a variety of clinical settings including: private practice, community mental health centers, public schools and day treatment programs. Shari worked as the Director of Testing and Assessment at Psychological Services Long Island and has supervised dozens of assessments focused on learning disorders, executive functioning, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). She earned her doctorate in clinical psychology from William James College in Boston, Massachusetts, where she specialized in treating children. Shari has experience working with clients from diverse cultural backgrounds with various diagnoses. Shari is empathetic and compassionate and understands that each individual learns differently and has unique needs.  She therefore strives to understand each individual’s perspective and experience and enjoys helping people meet their full potential. Outside of her clinical work, Shari enjoys spending time with family and friends and engaging in her hobbies of piano, guitar, crocheting, and photography.


Executive Functioning




Reading Disorder

Writing Disorder

Math Disorder


Elementary School

Middle School

High School





What advice would you give to a family who is on the fence about signing up for a learning assessment?

Taking the steps towards engaging in a learning assessment can be a daunting task. Many people fear the outcomes or dislike potentially labeling their child, thereby having teachers and others view/treat their child differently. In all my years of experience, assessments have helped children and their families by utilizing the child's strengths to help them build up their weaknesses. Without knowing the root of the struggle it is difficult for teachers to tailor the learning process in order to make the child successful. I have seen assessments take a child from feeling different and not as bright as his peers to feeling victorious in the classroom and confident, after understanding his limits and potential and using classroom accommodations.

What gets you excited about Parallel?

I am excited about Parallel's ability to provide quality testing to individuals through an online platform. The structure of Parallel's assessments and reports will allow the parents, child, and school personnel to gain a better and clear understanding of the challenges as well as provide unique and tailored recommendations.

Why are you passionate about helping students with learning differences?

A child with a learning disability is like a small snowball sitting on an edge of a large hill. There is so much potential for that snowball to grow in size and pick up momentum as it rolls down the hill but it is stuck. What makes me love what I do in conducting assessments is that I get the chance to give that small snowball the jumpstart it needs to be successful. I believe every child can meet their potential with the proper supports and guidance.

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