10 Summer Activities for Clinicians to Boost Their Practice This Year

Educator Guide
Special Education Team
For Clinicians
6 minute read

Summer Break: A Strategic Opportunity for Clinician Growth

The school year may not be in full swing yet, but for clinicians, the pursuit of knowledge and growth never truly ends. While summer offers a welcome break from the daily routine, it also presents a strategic opportunity to invest in professional development and prepare for a successful return to school.

We've compiled a list of 10 engaging activities designed specifically for clinicians like you. From honing your skills with online courses to creating dynamic therapy activities, these tips will empower you to enhance your practice and ensure a smooth transition back to supporting your students' success.

1. Skill Up with Online Courses: Level Up Your Expertise This Summer

The world of online learning offers many professional development opportunities for busy clinicians. Whether you're seeking to deepen your knowledge in a specific area, explore emerging trends in special education, or earn valuable Continuing Education Units (CEUs), online courses and webinars provide a convenient and flexible way to upskill.

Benefits of Online Learning:

  • Convenience and Flexibility: Learn at your own pace and schedule, fitting courses around your summer plans.
  • Wide Variety of Topics: Find courses on anything from the latest teletherapy best practices (e.g., teletherapy training) to evidence-based intervention strategies for specific learning differences.
  • Earn CEUs: Many online courses are accredited and offer CEUs required by professional organizations like ASHA (ASHA CEUs).

Finding the Right Course:

  • Identify Your Needs: Reflect on your current skillset and areas you'd like to strengthen. What are your specific goals for the upcoming school year?
  • Explore Platforms: Check out ASHA and other similar organizations in your field for continuing ed opportunities. Parallel also has begun to offer training for credits. 
  • Read Reviews and Check Accreditation: Look for courses with positive reviews and ensure they are accredited by reputable organizations if CEUs are a priority.

2. Review and Revise IEPs: Sharpen Your Strategies for Next Year

While IEPs are typically developed and reviewed throughout the school year, the summer break offers a valuable window for clinicians to take a deeper dive. This dedicated time away from the daily grind allows for a more thorough analysis of past IEPs, enabling you to refine strategies and ensure optimal support for your students in the coming year.

Benefits of Summer IEP Review:

  • Fresh Perspective: Stepping away from the daily routine allows you to approach IEPs with fresh eyes, potentially identifying areas for improvement that might have been missed during the busy school year.
  • In-Depth Analysis: With more time on hand, you can dedicate yourself to a more comprehensive review of progress data (e.g., progress monitoring). This data analysis can reveal areas where students exceeded expectations, encountered challenges, or require adjustments in their interventions.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Leverage the insights gleaned from progress data to make informed decisions about revising existing strategies or implementing new ones (e.g., data-driven intervention). This ensures your next year's IEPs are tailored to each student's specific needs and learning goals.

Actionable Tips for IEP Review:

  • Gather Materials: Assemble past IEPs, progress reports, and any relevant communication with parents and teachers.
  • Analyze Progress Data: Dig deep into progress data to identify areas where students excelled or met with roadblocks.
  • Review Present Levels of Performance (PLPs): Evaluate if the PLPs accurately reflect current student needs based on the data analysis.
  • Brainstorm New Strategies: Based on the review, brainstorm and document new strategies, resources, or accommodations that could benefit the student in the upcoming year.

3. Explore Engaging Tech Tools: Power Up Your Therapy Sessions This Summer

The world of technology is brimming with innovative tools that can transform your therapy sessions into engaging and interactive experiences for students. From fostering communication skills to reinforcing academic concepts, these tech tools can enhance learning, boost motivation, and cater to diverse learning styles.

The Power of Tech in Therapy:

  • Engaging Activities: Interactive apps, games, and educational software can make therapy sessions more fun and dynamic, keeping students actively involved in their learning journey.
  • Personalized Learning: Many tech tools offer customizable features tailored to individual student needs and learning goals. This allows you to create a personalized learning environment that caters to different abilities and interests.
  • Accessibility and Assistive Technology: Technology can bridge communication gaps and provide students with learning differences with valuable assistive tools. Explore features like text-to-speech conversion, visual organizers, and screen readers to promote greater independence and participation.

Summer: Your Tech Exploration Playground!

Summer break provides the perfect opportunity to delve into the exciting world of educational technology. Here are some ways to get started:

  • Research Online Resources: Websites, blogs, and online communities dedicated to special education are a wealth of information. Look for reviews and recommendations for educational apps, assistive technology tools, and therapy games (e.g., educational apps, assistive technology, therapy games).
  • Free Trials and Demos: Many platforms offer free trials or demo versions, allowing you to explore features and see if a particular tool aligns with your needs before committing.
  • Consider Student Input: If age-appropriate, engage your students in conversations about technology they find engaging and helpful. Their insights can guide your exploration and help you identify tools they'll be excited to use in therapy sessions.

4. Connect with Colleagues & Build Community: Stay Sharp & Supported This Summer

The world of special education can be incredibly rewarding, but it can also feel isolating at times. That's why staying connected and collaborating with fellow clinicians is essential for maintaining professional growth and fostering a sense of community. The summer break provides a unique opportunity to engage in these connections beyond the daily hustle and bustle of the school year.

Benefits of Connecting with Colleagues:

  • Share Best Practices: Learn from the experiences and insights of other clinicians. Sharing successful strategies and brainstorming solutions can benefit both you and your students.
  • Stay Current with Trends: Discuss emerging trends in special education and teletherapy with colleagues to stay informed and adapt your practice accordingly.
  • Combat Burnout and Find Support: Connect with a network of professionals who understand the unique challenges and rewards of working with children with learning differences. This support system can help you feel less alone and provide valuable perspective during demanding times.

Summer: Your Connection Catalyst!

Summer offers a multitude of ways to connect with colleagues and build a strong professional community:

  • Online Forums and Communities: Join online forums or social media groups dedicated to special education. These platforms allow you to connect with clinicians from across the globe, engage in discussions, and share resources.
  • Summer Conferences: Consider attending virtual or in-person summer conferences focused on special education or teletherapy. These events provide valuable opportunities to learn from leading experts, network with colleagues, and discover new resources.
  • Local Meetups and Networking Events: Check if any local organizations or universities host summer meetups or networking events for special education professionals. These events can be a great way to connect with colleagues in your area and build local support networks.

5. Create Fun Therapy Activities: Beat the Summer Slump & Plan for Success!

While the summer months offer a well-deserved break from the routine, clinicians can also leverage this time to plan ahead and create engaging therapy activities for the upcoming school year. The benefits of pre-planning are numerous - you'll save valuable time later, and most importantly, you'll be equipped with fresh, creative ideas to capture your students' attention from day one. Infuse some summer fun into your lesson plans by crafting thematic activities that capitalize on the season!

Benefits of Pre-Planned Activities:

  • Save Time & Reduce Stress: Having a bank of engaging activities at your disposal reduces last-minute planning stress and allows you to focus on building meaningful connections with your students.
  • Enhanced Student Engagement: Well-planned activities spark student interest and create a dynamic learning environment.
  • Thematic Learning: Summer provides a treasure trove of thematic inspiration! Activities centered around summer can be both fun and educational.

Summer-Themed Therapy Activities (for Inspiration):

  • Sensory Play: Create a "Beach Sensory Bin" filled with sand, seashells, and colorful plastic ocean creatures. Encourage students to explore textures, build sandcastles, and practice sorting activities (targeting sensory processing, fine motor skills).
  • Social Communication Skills: Host a "Summer Olympics" themed game day, with friendly competitions and team-building exercises. Students can practice taking turns, collaborating, and demonstrating good sportsmanship (targeting social communication, turn-taking, emotional regulation).
  • Literacy Activities: Design a "Summer Reading Bingo" challenge, with squares featuring summer-themed words, locations, or activities. Students can practice reading comprehension by completing the bingo squares (targeting literacy skills, vocabulary development).

6. Revamp Your Therapy Space: Create an Oasis for Learning, Even at Home!

Whether you deliver therapy in a dedicated office or utilize a home workspace for teletherapy sessions, the environment you create plays a crucial role in student engagement and learning. A well-organized and inviting space fosters a sense of calm, promotes focus, and helps students feel comfortable expressing themselves. The summer break provides the perfect opportunity to refresh your therapy space and ensure it's ready to inspire learning come fall.

Impact of a Positive Therapy Space:

  • Reduced Distractions: A clutter-free and organized space minimizes distractions, allowing students to concentrate on the therapy session and maximize their learning time.
  • Enhanced Engagement: Visually appealing and stimulating environments can spark curiosity and encourage active participation in therapy activities.
  • Feeling of Comfort and Security: A welcoming and positive space can put students at ease and create a safe environment for communication and exploration.

Summer Refresh for Your Therapy Space (Teletherapy-Friendly Tips Included!):

  • Declutter and Organize: Dedicate some time to decluttering your therapy space. Eliminate unnecessary items, organize materials, and create designated storage areas. For teletherapy setups, consider decluttering the background behind you to create a clean and professional visual environment.
  • Bring in the Sunshine (Literally & Figuratively!): Natural light can have a positive impact on mood and focus. If possible, position your therapy table or teletherapy workspace near a window. You can also incorporate bright and cheerful colors or nature-inspired elements to create a more uplifting atmosphere.
  • Tech Touches for Teletherapy: Ensure your teletherapy setup is optimized for clear communication and efficient sessions. Test your equipment regularly, invest in a good quality headset or microphone if needed, and create a dedicated folder or system for storing digital therapy resources.

7. Self-Care & Recharge: Fill Your Cup to Overflow for Your Students

Clinicians dedicate their hearts and minds to nurturing the growth of their students. The demands of the job can be immense, and neglecting your own well-being can lead to burnout and hinder your passion. This summer, prioritize self-care and recharge your batteries – a refreshed and balanced you translates to a more effective and enthusiastic clinician come fall.

Why Self-Care Matters:

  • Combating Burnout: Chronic stress and exhaustion can lead to burnout, impacting your ability to provide quality care to your students. Prioritizing self-care helps prevent burnout and keeps your professional wellspring overflowing.
  • Enhanced Creativity and Focus: Taking care of yourself allows you to return to the school year with renewed energy and a clear mind. You'll be better equipped to tackle challenges and develop innovative strategies for your students.
  • Modeling Healthy Habits: Students thrive on positive role models. By prioritizing your well-being, you demonstrate the importance of self-care and healthy habits for them to emulate.

Summer Self-Care Practices:

  • Unplug and Reconnect: Set boundaries with work emails and notifications. Disconnect to reconnect with yourself and rediscover the joy of activities outside the professional realm.
  • Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Explore practices like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises to manage stress and cultivate inner peace.
  • Move Your Body: Engage in physical activities you enjoy, whether it's a brisk walk in nature, a dance class, or a swim in the pool. Exercise releases endorphins, boosts mood, and improves overall well-being.
  • Pursue Your Passions: Dust off that neglected hobby, delve into a new creative outlet, or simply dedicate time to reading for pleasure. Rekindle your sense of joy and rediscover the things that truly energize you.

8. Read Up & Recharge: Expand Your Horizons Beyond the Textbook

While staying current in the field is important, summer break is the perfect time to indulge in reading for pure enjoyment. Pick up that novel you've been eyeing, explore a new genre, or delve into a historical biography. Stepping away from the academic realm allows for mental rejuvenation and can even spark unexpected connections and inspiration for your professional practice.

9. Give Back & Reconnect: Volunteer Your Expertise with a Twist

Volunteering your skills during the summer offers a chance to give back to the community and connect with children in a different setting. Consider volunteering at a local library or community center, leading a story time for young children, or mentoring a student with a learning difference. These experiences can be personally fulfilling while also providing opportunities to share your knowledge in a relaxed and enjoyable way.

10. Portfolio Power Down: Give Yourself Permission to Pause

Professional development is an ongoing journey, but summer break is a well-deserved time to step away from the portfolio grind. Instead of feeling pressured to update documents, use this time for reflection. Journal about your experiences and insights from the past year. Consider attending a workshop focused on personal growth or a topic completely outside your professional realm.

Remember, a well-rounded and refreshed clinician is a more effective clinician. So, embrace the freedom of summer and prioritize activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit!

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Educator Guide
Special Education Team

10 Summer Activities for Clinicians to Boost Their Practice This Year

Educator Guide
Special Education Team
For Clinicians
6 minute read

Summer Break: A Strategic Opportunity for Clinician Growth

The school year may not be in full swing yet, but for clinicians, the pursuit of knowledge and growth never truly ends. While summer offers a welcome break from the daily routine, it also presents a strategic opportunity to invest in professional development and prepare for a successful return to school.

We've compiled a list of 10 engaging activities designed specifically for clinicians like you. From honing your skills with online courses to creating dynamic therapy activities, these tips will empower you to enhance your practice and ensure a smooth transition back to supporting your students' success.

1. Skill Up with Online Courses: Level Up Your Expertise This Summer

The world of online learning offers many professional development opportunities for busy clinicians. Whether you're seeking to deepen your knowledge in a specific area, explore emerging trends in special education, or earn valuable Continuing Education Units (CEUs), online courses and webinars provide a convenient and flexible way to upskill.

Benefits of Online Learning:

  • Convenience and Flexibility: Learn at your own pace and schedule, fitting courses around your summer plans.
  • Wide Variety of Topics: Find courses on anything from the latest teletherapy best practices (e.g., teletherapy training) to evidence-based intervention strategies for specific learning differences.
  • Earn CEUs: Many online courses are accredited and offer CEUs required by professional organizations like ASHA (ASHA CEUs).

Finding the Right Course:

  • Identify Your Needs: Reflect on your current skillset and areas you'd like to strengthen. What are your specific goals for the upcoming school year?
  • Explore Platforms: Check out ASHA and other similar organizations in your field for continuing ed opportunities. Parallel also has begun to offer training for credits. 
  • Read Reviews and Check Accreditation: Look for courses with positive reviews and ensure they are accredited by reputable organizations if CEUs are a priority.

2. Review and Revise IEPs: Sharpen Your Strategies for Next Year

While IEPs are typically developed and reviewed throughout the school year, the summer break offers a valuable window for clinicians to take a deeper dive. This dedicated time away from the daily grind allows for a more thorough analysis of past IEPs, enabling you to refine strategies and ensure optimal support for your students in the coming year.

Benefits of Summer IEP Review:

  • Fresh Perspective: Stepping away from the daily routine allows you to approach IEPs with fresh eyes, potentially identifying areas for improvement that might have been missed during the busy school year.
  • In-Depth Analysis: With more time on hand, you can dedicate yourself to a more comprehensive review of progress data (e.g., progress monitoring). This data analysis can reveal areas where students exceeded expectations, encountered challenges, or require adjustments in their interventions.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Leverage the insights gleaned from progress data to make informed decisions about revising existing strategies or implementing new ones (e.g., data-driven intervention). This ensures your next year's IEPs are tailored to each student's specific needs and learning goals.

Actionable Tips for IEP Review:

  • Gather Materials: Assemble past IEPs, progress reports, and any relevant communication with parents and teachers.
  • Analyze Progress Data: Dig deep into progress data to identify areas where students excelled or met with roadblocks.
  • Review Present Levels of Performance (PLPs): Evaluate if the PLPs accurately reflect current student needs based on the data analysis.
  • Brainstorm New Strategies: Based on the review, brainstorm and document new strategies, resources, or accommodations that could benefit the student in the upcoming year.

3. Explore Engaging Tech Tools: Power Up Your Therapy Sessions This Summer

The world of technology is brimming with innovative tools that can transform your therapy sessions into engaging and interactive experiences for students. From fostering communication skills to reinforcing academic concepts, these tech tools can enhance learning, boost motivation, and cater to diverse learning styles.

The Power of Tech in Therapy:

  • Engaging Activities: Interactive apps, games, and educational software can make therapy sessions more fun and dynamic, keeping students actively involved in their learning journey.
  • Personalized Learning: Many tech tools offer customizable features tailored to individual student needs and learning goals. This allows you to create a personalized learning environment that caters to different abilities and interests.
  • Accessibility and Assistive Technology: Technology can bridge communication gaps and provide students with learning differences with valuable assistive tools. Explore features like text-to-speech conversion, visual organizers, and screen readers to promote greater independence and participation.

Summer: Your Tech Exploration Playground!

Summer break provides the perfect opportunity to delve into the exciting world of educational technology. Here are some ways to get started:

  • Research Online Resources: Websites, blogs, and online communities dedicated to special education are a wealth of information. Look for reviews and recommendations for educational apps, assistive technology tools, and therapy games (e.g., educational apps, assistive technology, therapy games).
  • Free Trials and Demos: Many platforms offer free trials or demo versions, allowing you to explore features and see if a particular tool aligns with your needs before committing.
  • Consider Student Input: If age-appropriate, engage your students in conversations about technology they find engaging and helpful. Their insights can guide your exploration and help you identify tools they'll be excited to use in therapy sessions.

4. Connect with Colleagues & Build Community: Stay Sharp & Supported This Summer

The world of special education can be incredibly rewarding, but it can also feel isolating at times. That's why staying connected and collaborating with fellow clinicians is essential for maintaining professional growth and fostering a sense of community. The summer break provides a unique opportunity to engage in these connections beyond the daily hustle and bustle of the school year.

Benefits of Connecting with Colleagues:

  • Share Best Practices: Learn from the experiences and insights of other clinicians. Sharing successful strategies and brainstorming solutions can benefit both you and your students.
  • Stay Current with Trends: Discuss emerging trends in special education and teletherapy with colleagues to stay informed and adapt your practice accordingly.
  • Combat Burnout and Find Support: Connect with a network of professionals who understand the unique challenges and rewards of working with children with learning differences. This support system can help you feel less alone and provide valuable perspective during demanding times.

Summer: Your Connection Catalyst!

Summer offers a multitude of ways to connect with colleagues and build a strong professional community:

  • Online Forums and Communities: Join online forums or social media groups dedicated to special education. These platforms allow you to connect with clinicians from across the globe, engage in discussions, and share resources.
  • Summer Conferences: Consider attending virtual or in-person summer conferences focused on special education or teletherapy. These events provide valuable opportunities to learn from leading experts, network with colleagues, and discover new resources.
  • Local Meetups and Networking Events: Check if any local organizations or universities host summer meetups or networking events for special education professionals. These events can be a great way to connect with colleagues in your area and build local support networks.

5. Create Fun Therapy Activities: Beat the Summer Slump & Plan for Success!

While the summer months offer a well-deserved break from the routine, clinicians can also leverage this time to plan ahead and create engaging therapy activities for the upcoming school year. The benefits of pre-planning are numerous - you'll save valuable time later, and most importantly, you'll be equipped with fresh, creative ideas to capture your students' attention from day one. Infuse some summer fun into your lesson plans by crafting thematic activities that capitalize on the season!

Benefits of Pre-Planned Activities:

  • Save Time & Reduce Stress: Having a bank of engaging activities at your disposal reduces last-minute planning stress and allows you to focus on building meaningful connections with your students.
  • Enhanced Student Engagement: Well-planned activities spark student interest and create a dynamic learning environment.
  • Thematic Learning: Summer provides a treasure trove of thematic inspiration! Activities centered around summer can be both fun and educational.

Summer-Themed Therapy Activities (for Inspiration):

  • Sensory Play: Create a "Beach Sensory Bin" filled with sand, seashells, and colorful plastic ocean creatures. Encourage students to explore textures, build sandcastles, and practice sorting activities (targeting sensory processing, fine motor skills).
  • Social Communication Skills: Host a "Summer Olympics" themed game day, with friendly competitions and team-building exercises. Students can practice taking turns, collaborating, and demonstrating good sportsmanship (targeting social communication, turn-taking, emotional regulation).
  • Literacy Activities: Design a "Summer Reading Bingo" challenge, with squares featuring summer-themed words, locations, or activities. Students can practice reading comprehension by completing the bingo squares (targeting literacy skills, vocabulary development).

6. Revamp Your Therapy Space: Create an Oasis for Learning, Even at Home!

Whether you deliver therapy in a dedicated office or utilize a home workspace for teletherapy sessions, the environment you create plays a crucial role in student engagement and learning. A well-organized and inviting space fosters a sense of calm, promotes focus, and helps students feel comfortable expressing themselves. The summer break provides the perfect opportunity to refresh your therapy space and ensure it's ready to inspire learning come fall.

Impact of a Positive Therapy Space:

  • Reduced Distractions: A clutter-free and organized space minimizes distractions, allowing students to concentrate on the therapy session and maximize their learning time.
  • Enhanced Engagement: Visually appealing and stimulating environments can spark curiosity and encourage active participation in therapy activities.
  • Feeling of Comfort and Security: A welcoming and positive space can put students at ease and create a safe environment for communication and exploration.

Summer Refresh for Your Therapy Space (Teletherapy-Friendly Tips Included!):

  • Declutter and Organize: Dedicate some time to decluttering your therapy space. Eliminate unnecessary items, organize materials, and create designated storage areas. For teletherapy setups, consider decluttering the background behind you to create a clean and professional visual environment.
  • Bring in the Sunshine (Literally & Figuratively!): Natural light can have a positive impact on mood and focus. If possible, position your therapy table or teletherapy workspace near a window. You can also incorporate bright and cheerful colors or nature-inspired elements to create a more uplifting atmosphere.
  • Tech Touches for Teletherapy: Ensure your teletherapy setup is optimized for clear communication and efficient sessions. Test your equipment regularly, invest in a good quality headset or microphone if needed, and create a dedicated folder or system for storing digital therapy resources.

7. Self-Care & Recharge: Fill Your Cup to Overflow for Your Students

Clinicians dedicate their hearts and minds to nurturing the growth of their students. The demands of the job can be immense, and neglecting your own well-being can lead to burnout and hinder your passion. This summer, prioritize self-care and recharge your batteries – a refreshed and balanced you translates to a more effective and enthusiastic clinician come fall.

Why Self-Care Matters:

  • Combating Burnout: Chronic stress and exhaustion can lead to burnout, impacting your ability to provide quality care to your students. Prioritizing self-care helps prevent burnout and keeps your professional wellspring overflowing.
  • Enhanced Creativity and Focus: Taking care of yourself allows you to return to the school year with renewed energy and a clear mind. You'll be better equipped to tackle challenges and develop innovative strategies for your students.
  • Modeling Healthy Habits: Students thrive on positive role models. By prioritizing your well-being, you demonstrate the importance of self-care and healthy habits for them to emulate.

Summer Self-Care Practices:

  • Unplug and Reconnect: Set boundaries with work emails and notifications. Disconnect to reconnect with yourself and rediscover the joy of activities outside the professional realm.
  • Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Explore practices like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises to manage stress and cultivate inner peace.
  • Move Your Body: Engage in physical activities you enjoy, whether it's a brisk walk in nature, a dance class, or a swim in the pool. Exercise releases endorphins, boosts mood, and improves overall well-being.
  • Pursue Your Passions: Dust off that neglected hobby, delve into a new creative outlet, or simply dedicate time to reading for pleasure. Rekindle your sense of joy and rediscover the things that truly energize you.

8. Read Up & Recharge: Expand Your Horizons Beyond the Textbook

While staying current in the field is important, summer break is the perfect time to indulge in reading for pure enjoyment. Pick up that novel you've been eyeing, explore a new genre, or delve into a historical biography. Stepping away from the academic realm allows for mental rejuvenation and can even spark unexpected connections and inspiration for your professional practice.

9. Give Back & Reconnect: Volunteer Your Expertise with a Twist

Volunteering your skills during the summer offers a chance to give back to the community and connect with children in a different setting. Consider volunteering at a local library or community center, leading a story time for young children, or mentoring a student with a learning difference. These experiences can be personally fulfilling while also providing opportunities to share your knowledge in a relaxed and enjoyable way.

10. Portfolio Power Down: Give Yourself Permission to Pause

Professional development is an ongoing journey, but summer break is a well-deserved time to step away from the portfolio grind. Instead of feeling pressured to update documents, use this time for reflection. Journal about your experiences and insights from the past year. Consider attending a workshop focused on personal growth or a topic completely outside your professional realm.

Remember, a well-rounded and refreshed clinician is a more effective clinician. So, embrace the freedom of summer and prioritize activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit!

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Educator Guide
Special Education Team

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